-Exterminators: We are the chosen ones!
-You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
-Exterminators: The Gun is good!
-The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Zardoz has spoken.
Is God in show business too?
Zed : What is it ?
The tabernacle : Flower
Zed: For what ?
The tabernacle : Decorative
Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead,
Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep sea swell
And the profit and loss
Définitions Web
de non-profit. Seulement s'asseoir, pour rien, sans motif, sans but -
signifie qu'il n'a y rien à obtenir donc à désirer. Abandon de toutes
http://www.bouddhisme-zen.com/concepts-zen/mushotoku.html"nous ne nous intéressons aux autres que s'ils s'intéressent à nous" Publilius Syrus
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